Push Ups how to do ? | How many types of Push ups ?

Nishadh Fitness
5 min readAug 19, 2022


Nishadh Fitness

In this article, we are giving you complete information about push-ups, what are push-ups, how are they applied, what are the benefits, all this information will be available to you in this article.

what are push-ups ?

Push-ups are a common calisthenics exercise that have been included in the exercise for a long time, they are done by staying in a prone high position Works on pectoral muscles and front Deltoid, triceps muscles.

Push-ups are not just an extraordinary method for developing chest area fortitude and perseverance. They are likewise an effective method for testing that strength and perseverance. The push-up test is a fundamental wellness test utilized by mentors, coaches, and competitors to evaluate chest area wellness and to screen progress during strength and wellness training.

Push-Up (Muscular Strength and Endurance)

The push up test estimates chest area strength and perseverance. In this test, the most extreme number of push up performed at a pace of one at regular intervals is recorded.

Gear required: floor mat, PACER disc with push-up rhythm track.

Technique: Start in the push up position — with the hands and toes contacting the floor, the

body and legs are in an orderly fashion, feet somewhat separated, the arms at shoulder width separated, expanded and at a right point to the body. Keeping the back and knees straight, the subject brings down the body until there is a 90-degree point at the elbows, with the upper arms lined up with the floor. An accomplice holds their hand at the place of the 90-degree point so that the subject being tried goes down just until their shoulder contacts the accomplice’s hand, then back up. The push-ups are finished so as to a metronome or comparable gadget with

one complete push-up at regular intervals (1.5 seconds down and 1.5 seconds up, 20

complete push-ups each moment). The subject go on until they make two structure breaks.

Scoring: Record the quantity of accurately finished push-ups that were acted in time to the mood.

Many individuals accomplish in excess of 300 push-ups a day. Be that as it may, for a typical individual, even 50 to 100 push-ups ought to be sufficient to keep a decent chest area, if it is done appropriately. You can begin with 20 push-ups, yet don’t adhere to this number. Continuing to expand the number to challenge your body is significant.

Benefits in doing push-ups in our Body

* Burn more calories

* Shielding your shoulders and lower back from wounds * Working on your equilibrium and stance * Working on your adaptability * Working on your presentation in sports and athletic exercises

What Kind of Push Ups Are Very Helpful for You

1. Normal Push-up :

Contract your abs and fix your center by pulling your stomach button toward your spine. Breathe in as you gradually twist your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, until your elbows are at a 90-degree point. Breathe out while getting your chest muscles and pushing back up through your hands, getting back to the beginning position.

2. Incline Push-up :

A incline push up is a raised type of normal push-up. Your chest area is raised with an activity box or other piece of equipment. You might view incline push-ups as a move forward from your ordinary daily schedule.

3. Decline Push-up :

A decline push-up is a high level variety of the fundamental push-up, in which you increment the trouble essentially by putting your feet higher than your hands. Add this activity to your chest area strength preparing routine when you’re prepared for a more noteworthy test.

4. Diamond Push-up :

Diamond (Jewel)push-ups, otherwise called triangle push-ups, are a further developed variety of the exemplary push-up. Practice precious stone move ups by uniting your hands near structure a jewel or triangle shape beneath your chest. Keep your back and legs in an orderly fashion and drive yourself over the ground.

5. Wide Push-up :

By situating your hands further separated, wide push-ups focus on your chest, Back and shoulder muscles more than standard push-ups. They offer different advantages, as well. To do wide push-ups, you needn’t bother with any stuff other than your own body weight. This implies you can do them anyplace and whenever you need.

6. Pike Push-up :

Expect a push up position on the floor. Your arms ought to be straight and your hands ought to be shoulder-width separated. Presently lift up your hips with the goal that your body frames a topsy-turvy V. Your legs and arms ought to remain as straight as could be expected.

7. Spider-man Push-up :

Twist your elbows to a 45-degree point as you bring down your chest toward your hands on the floor. Lift your left leg, pushing your knee toward your elbow. Stop briefly here prior to bringing down your leg and lifting your body once more. Rehash this development with your contrary leg on the following redundancy.

8. Clapping Push-ups :

Do a normal push-up by letting your body down toward the floor. As you press up, push sufficiently to take your hands and body as high off the ground as could really be expected. Applaud together. Get back to the beginning position. Go on for 30 seconds.

9. Indian push-ups :

Like a standard push-up, the Hindu push-up fortifies your rear arm muscles, pectorals, and deltoid, however with the additional advantage of reinforcing your hamstrings, mid-region, back muscles, and glutes. Ace the Hindu move up by figuring out how to do each part separately.

Originally published at https://nishadhfitness.blogspot.com on August 19, 2022.



Nishadh Fitness
Nishadh Fitness

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